Maria Bizri

Jun 9, 20202 min

COVID 19 Reinvention!

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

Desperate times call for extreme measures, and drastic measures we have taken indeed! Although we’re usually a luxury, events-based catering company, we’ve decided we need to adapt to the times, we’re adding to our regular catering services with at home, family eating! I’m a working mother of two girls and can totally understand the difficulty of feeding a household or even entertaining 2-meter guests. Being cooped up is, challenging to say the least, and I’ve found the best way of avoiding the feeling of Groundhog Day, is by changing up our dining routines. I feel your pain, ladies and gentlemen, and so we have decided to launch three new catering options on a smaller scale for you!

One of these is the gourmet family meals. We have a weekly, changing menu that gives you time off kitchen duty, and a meal you can look forward to. Whether that’s a one night of the weekly rest day for you, or weekly fridge fillers, order for your family whether you’re a couple of two or a family of ten and get some much needed time off your feet. Extra points for fewer dishes to clean!

We’ve also created socially distanced garden party packages, for six people, or more depending on government restriction. You can entertain your friends and family quickly, recreating the feeling of going out for a meal – which I’m sure you miss as much I do. Some wine, and our garden party menu and you have a painless night of (safe) party hosting.

For a little weekend treat in the park, bring a picnic with some of our hamper fillers. We’re doing dips, salads, filo pastry pies and other yummy bits for you to pair with your favourite summer drink, I’m partial to a little bit of rosé in the sun with some guac or hummus!

#lockdowncatering #partyfood #catering #familymeals
